Thursday, January 22, 2009

Motivation Needed!!


This year I will be the big 3-0!

I am expecting big things in my thirties...

My 20s were about getting things. In my 20s, I got...

A Wonderful Husband

Three Beautiful Daughters

Our First Home

But, with my 30s I don't necessarily want more things, but to better what I do have.

I have my health - - but I definitely want to better it. When I say I have my health, basically that just means I have no major illnesses, diseases or debilitating conditions. It does not mean that I am "healthy". The only way that healthy and I coordinate is if it were said that I have a "healthy appetite" or "damn, that lady has a hugely healthy set of hips"... Not exactly "healthy", but that's the only way to collate me with that word. I am pretty proud of giving birth to three healthy babies, and the last two I birthed with out any medications or pain assistance. I'm not so proud of how I have not done anything with my belly once the babies were out. I'm not proud that I do have saggy arms. The very sad part is, I know how to eat correctly and what I need to do to better my body... but I just don't do it. The whole task seems very overwhelming. We have a wii fit. After it did it's measuring, I'm pretty much off the obesity chart. Depressing. But, it does have a 300 lb. weight limit on it, and thankfully I'm not near that point.

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